Article Category: General Questions

Missing Information

When your data is provided to Hound we use Hound’s proprietary BRITE data matching tool to ensure we can get the highest match rate possible

Discharged Loans

Hound receives your RCTI each month and so is able to identify those loans that have disappeared.

How do I access Hound?

Hound will contact you once your data has been finalised and uploaded to the platform. You will receive an email with a link to the

Is my data safe with Hound?

The privacy and security of your customers’ data is a top priority for Hound. Hound is built on Salesforce and the platform operates entirely in

Which aggregators does Hound work with?

Hound is currently available to VOW and Yellow Brick Road Brokers.We are working with additional Aggregators and Broker groups regularly, so please register your interest