How technology tools can help brokers improve efficiency

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Technology is improving daily, and tools that we could only once dream of are popping up to help us with everything from scheduling to writing more professional emails.

AI-generated tools learn by analysing vast amounts of user-generated data and feedback to identify patterns and improve responses, meaning more accurate and relevant outputs are created over time.

As Hound’s founder Peter Smyth aptly puts it, “With any technology, the good stuff will end up winning.”

From the rudimentary fuzzy logic of the 1990s to today’s sophisticated algorithms, brokers now have access to a wide range of solutions to streamline their workflows and improve client interactions. These tools not only create efficiencies but also handle mundane tasks, freeing up valuable time for more critical work.

Try these tech innovations to get the most from your workday:

  • ChatGPT: forget all the negative stuff you’ve heard about this. By using it to generate clear and concise content, brokers can focus on more important tasks. It is ideal for creating a template for writing accurate and compelling loan submissions as well as personalised client communications.
  • AI-powered chatbots: these helpful bots are online 24/7 and can create speedy, personalised responses to client inquiries. This makes clients feel valued and informed throughout the loan process, improving customer satisfaction.
  • Grammarly: an AI-powered writing assistant that helps craft clearer, more professional communications, including client emails and presentations.
  • ClickUp: this AI-powered task management tool combines task scheduling, goal tracking, and collaboration. Brokers can streamline their workflows by automating repetitive tasks, customising task management processes, and leveraging integrations with other tools.
  • Hound: Hound provides analytics on key performance indicators for trail books, helping brokers understand their book’s value while focusing on high-value activities to maximise potential sale prices. Hound also expedites annual client reviews by automatically generating comprehensive reports and leveraging Open Banking to provide instant access to client loan product details.

By using these resources, brokers can significantly enhance their productivity and client service quality. Discover how Hound can save you time – contact us today.

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